I wish I had a housekeeper!! I really do! Why? Because cleaning sucks! I'm sorry but I'm not the cleanest person so keeping the house clean requires A LOT of effort from me. Wait... correction. Keeping the house clean requires A LOT of effort FROM EVERYONE that resides in Casita Bravo because we are all pigs, haha!
Usually what would happen is we would clean about once a week whenever we "felt we had time" and we would spend aaaallll day cleaning it. But, the problem with that was that the house wouldn't stay clean for long. The problem was that we weren't maintaining it clean...
So what I did is I developed a cleaning schedule for me and my family to partake in on a daily basis. This cleaning schedule addresses the daily problems that keep the house from looking clean. The cleaning schedule ensures that things like toys, shoes, clothes and laundry won't start to pile up. I swear, once we started to follow the cleaning schedule it changed our lives.
The reason why a cleaning schedule works is because you are cleaning a little at a time, only focusing on one task a day (kind of like "batching" or how I schedule things). Also, the schedule reminds us to do small, basic tidying up in the morning and in the evening before bed which really helps keep the house looking good.
When you take a peek at my schedule it might look overwhelming to you. It might look like there's a lot of cleaning going on but trust me, you won't be spending a lot of time getting the stuff on the schedule done. You'll probably be cleaning about an hour or two spread out throughout the day and the BONUS is that your house will look clean and presentable every day!
Take a look at my schedule and see how I have the chores laid out. Like I said, it might look like a lot of work, but it's not!
If you struggle with keeping the house clean, then PLEASE give this list a try! You have nothing to lose :)
The cool thing is the cleaning list is totally customizable so you can schedule chores the way they would work for you. And you can change them later if you feel the schedule would work better a different way.
If you are going to try the schedule let me give you some advice.
One - you WILL fall off the wagon, trust me. I have skipped a day for whatever reason, but I always go back to it because I know it works. If that happens to you, remember that it's totally OK! Just hop back on to your cleaning schedule starting on the current day you are in. No biggie!
Two - get the whole family involved. Having help makes cleaning a whole lot easier.
So what do you think? Wanna give it a try? Download my free cleaning schedule below! I have included two pages. One page has my cleaning schedule and the other page has the days only and you just fill in the blanks. Download them below.
If you want more tips on organizing, check out my organization posts HERE.
Thanks so much for reading! I hope that you find this cleaning schedule to be useful! As always, I love reading your comments here so let me know what you think!
Take Care!
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